Impact of a potential 25% budget cut

The Board of Selectmen requested that the Library Trustees provide detail about how a $13,000 budget cut could impact the library.  In the interest of transparency, the Library Trustees are providing details of how a $13,000, or 25% budget cut would effect Library staff and services to the public:

The following would be cut from library offerings

  • database
  • Movie license
  • Downloadable books
  • Craft supplies
  • Computer contract, including virus protection, IT support, and Cleanslate disc protection
  • Summer reading program supplies and events

Fewer library hours

  • The library would be open one less day a week, (likely Wednesday or Friday), reflecting a cut to staff salaries.  This would cut $5600 from the director’s salary, which is time Amber uses to work on grants and fundraising, which has brought in over $17,000 in 2013.

Increased charges

We would be forced to begin charging for faxing and raise the price of printing/copying  to offset the cost of supplies:

  • Instead of being free up to 10 pages, faxing would now cost $1 a page.
  • The price to print or copy would rise from $.25 a page to $.85 a page.


If you are interested in voicing your opinion about this issue, the library trustees suggest you attend the Board of Selectmen’s meeting on Monday, October 21st at 6pm at St. John Baptist hall.



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Next trustee’s meeting

Thursday, October 10, 2013 at 3pm at the library.

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Help us buy a new furnace

Not so good news: our furnace is dead.  While we’ve been lucky that the weather has been so warm, winter is fast approaching and we will have no heat.

We’re using, a crowdfunding site, to raise money for a new furnace, estimated to cost around $6,000.  Please consider donating.  if you are unable to donate, please share the link via social media-these sites work on a snowball effect, so the more people who see the page, the better.  Thanks!

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Historical Society Event


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Moose Plate Grant Award

I’m pleased to announce that the Allenstown Public Library has been award a Moose Conservation License Plate grant of $8,745! With these funds we will preserve and digitize 21 volumes of Allenstown tax registers dated 1860-1889, making them available for public use.  These volumes will be a great genealogy resource.  We should be able to begin work on these volumes in January.  Watch for news of our new companion website, Allenstown Digital History, in 2014!

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Next trustee’s meeting

Wednesday, September 18, 2013, 3pm @ the library.

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Many ways to connect!

Did you know you can connect to the Allenstown Public Library three ways using social media?

Like us on Facebook to stay in touch

Subscribe to our Google Calendar for events

Friend us on Goodreads to be the first to know when new books arrive.

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Next trustee’s meeting

The library trustees will meet Thursday, September 12, 2013 at 3pm in the library.  The public are welcome.

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September events?

Calling all kids and parents! I’m seeking suggestions for kids events for September. What would you like to see?  Please contact me with suggestions!

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Check out our new patio!

Our new patio is now open!  Come sit and chat, read a book or use the free wireless.  Join us for story time on the patio tomorrow at 9:30am, before the parade.

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