Win Fishercats tickets!

Great news for summer readers.  If you read at least 5 books this summer, you can receive 2 FREE Fishercats tickets for a game in August!  Stop by the library for a form.

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Closed Saturday, June 14, 2014

Due to staffing issues, the library will be closed Saturday, June 14, 2014.  We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.



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Next Trustee’s Meeting

The next meeting of the Library Board of Trustees will take place on Thursday, June 26, 2014 at 3:30pm at the library.  The public is welcome to attend.

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Check out our new library catalog!

Made possible by a grant from the NH Charitable Foundation, I am excited to announce a new and improve library catalog!  Here are some of the features you’ll notice:

  • You can login to your account, view books check out to you and RENEW books on your own, no need to call the library anymore!
  • You can create watchlists in your account so you’ll receive an email every time we get new books in written by your favorite authors.
  • You can access downloadable books and movies directly from the library catalog-no need to relogin to overdrive to check out a title.
  • You can create a wishlist of books you’d like to read in the future.

There is much more to discover-login to to get started!

Look for information about tutorial classes I’ll be scheduling in the next month.

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New circulation policy begins 5/15/2014

A new circulation policy, complete with a new fine structure will begin on Thursday, May 15, 2014.  All items circulated on this date and hereafter will be subject to the new policy.  See the breakdown below or follow the link below to print a copy.

new fines schedule 5-15-14-page-0

New fines schedule 5-15-14

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Next Trustee’s meeting

The next meeting of the library trustees will take place on Thursday, May, 15, 2014 at 3:30 pm at the library.  The public is invited to attend.

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Closed today: Saturday April 26, 2014

My apologies: the library will be closed today, Saturday, April 26, 2014. I have a last minute family emergency and my assistant is unable to work. No fines will accrue today for any DVDs overdue, just leave them in the return box and I’ll adjust them.

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Friends of the Allenstown Public Library: consider yourself recruited!

We are fortunate enough to have a new Friends of the Library group in Allenstown.  They have two great events/activities coming up-please consider participating.


Logo Contest

If you are in grades 4-12, have artistic talent and want to win $50, enter the logo contest.  Details on the Friends webpage-deadline is 4/18/2014, so start drawing!


Comcast Cares Volunteer day

On Saturday, April 19, 2014, the Friends will be volunteering to help clean up the Little League field at 140 pleasant Street in Pembroke.  if 14 volunteers show up as part of the Friends group, the Comcast will make a donation to the Friends group.  Anyone over age 3 will be welcomed.  Plus, your teen can earn volunteer hours!  See this website for details.

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Next Trustee’s meeting

The next meeting of the library trustees will take place on Thursday, April 10, 2014, 3:30pm, at the library.

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What is your library “typology?”

Using statistical responses and demographics, we can understand how segments of the population use public libraries.  According to a newly released study by the Pew Research Center, there are 9 “typologies” of public library engagement including:

Library Lovers
Information Omnivores
Solid Center
Print Traditionalists
Not for Me
Young and Restless
Rooted and Roadblocked
Distant Admirers
Off the Grid

Which one are you?
H ere’s a hint: whether or not you know your neighbors may be an indicator for how you feel about the library.

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